July 18 – Ticino Alumni Evening Event in Lugano

villaleoThe INSEAD Alumni Association will be hosting Ticino’s entrepreneurial and finance community at an evening event with leading entrepreneurs, politicians, corporate finance executives, and INSEAD thought leaders on July18, 2014.

. Don’t miss a chance to attend an inspiring and rewarding event at the the elegant Villa Principe Leopoldo in Lugano.. http://de.amiando.com/bravoflyiaach.html

Save the Date: July18, 2014. INSEAD Alumni Association is ramping up Ticino’s entrepreneurial economy with an evening event on finance and building startups. The evening event will be in Lugano at the Villa Principe Leopoldo… More details coming soon!http://de.amiando.com/TIMAY19#sthash.RgtqKdEy.dpuf