Jan 22 Annual Verbier Ski Weekend


Dear INSEADers,
We invite you to the annual INSEAD Verbier Ski Weekend. It’s a fulfilling combination of alpine splendor, great skiing and INSEAD spirit! Registration for Dinner for on Saturday night is now open on amiando.com/INSEADVerbier16.html

INSEAD Ski Weekend Verbier, Friday January 22, 2016

The Geneva chapter of the INSEAD Alumni Association is delighted to announce registration for this year’s Verbier Ski weekend. We will make the dinner arrangements for Saturday, but you will need to book accommodation, transport and ski passes, ski passes & rentals. We recommend making your bookings now to avoid the rush! Once registered (via email), we will provide you with additional instructions as we get closer to the Ski Weekend. Enjoy a weekend with friends new and old!

Key Facts

When: Friday January 22 to Sunday January 24, 2016

Where: Verbier, Switzerland


Send an email to events@insead.ch with Verbier in the subject line. Let us know the names of guest and you contact details. We will update you with further instructions by email after registering.


Friday: Dinner in Verbier followed by Verbier nightlife experience.

Saturday: Two Ski groups are planned, the INSEAD Extreme Team, with an early take-off for a full day of extreme powder skiing; INSEAD Easy Team, with a later departure time for a day of easy skiing. Afterwards everyone meets for Après-Ski Cocktails and a Saturday Night Dinner Party (Register on www.amiando.com/INSEADVerbier16.html), including a heart-warming apero and a 3-course dinner menu in one of Verbier’s hotspots, followed by the Verbier nightlife.

Sunday: Skiing

INSEAD Alumni Association Switzerland Yves Haldemann, MBA ‘94DEvent OrganizerPhilippe Mauron MBA ‘95J Event Organizerinsead@bluewin.ch