12 Jun – Zurich Random BBQ

INSEAD Alumni Random BBQ Zurich, June 12, 2015

After last year’s success of the legendary random dinners in Zurich, we are delighted to repeat this Swiss INSEAD Alumni Association tradition with the 2015 edition. This is your unique chance to meet other INSEAD alumni and partners randomly and enjoy a delicious home cooked meal. Register as a host or a guest as described below. If you have questions about hosting or about the dinner in general, please contact Dan (danwehrli@yahoo.com). We look forward to this evening of fun, great networking and pleasant dinner!

When: Friday June 12, 2015 20:00

Tickets: Guests come alone or with a partner/friend and contribute with a fee of CHF 40 per person (payable directly to the host at dinner)


[important]Complete the short questionnaire on https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RandomBBQ2015[/important]

Hosts organize a dinner party at their place and then the committee allocates  guests randomly.

INSEAD Alumni Association Switzerland

Alexander Wyss, MBA 01D, Zurich Chapter President

Daniel Wehrli, MBA ??, Event Organizer