You are invited to attend “LEADING WITH AUTHENTICITY, DOES IT PAY OFF ? Analyzing the influence of Authentic Leadership on diversity and inclusion.” INSEAD alumni are eligible for a discounted entry fee. See registration information below.
Organized by Career Women’s Forum (CWF), the event is one of the few mixed gender gathering sin the CWF annual programme. More details (pdf)
When : February 4, 2016
Where: In cooperation with the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, the WAVE conference will take place in the Institute’s state-of-the-art Auditorium.
Featured Speakers
- Bertrand Levrat, CEO of the Geneva University Hospitals (the largest employer of the Geneva Lake region);
- Fabienne Lupo, President and Managing Director of the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie;
- John Antonakis, Professor of Organizational Behavior at University of Lausanne;
- Valérie Peyre, Founder and CEO of Tekoe Teas shop
Register by email to administration at Include name and title, specifying you are from INSEAD to benefit from discounted price of CHF 70 CHF.