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Dear Alumni,
This is my first message to you as the new Swiss National Alumni Association President. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing from you over the next few years. Switzerland is a small country, but Swiss alumni have a tradition of making a big positive impact! With that in mind and on behalf of the Swiss Committee, I would like to encourage you to join in the INSEAD Sustainable Food Habits Challenge.

I feel that this Challenge is a great way to start changing our habits and making a personal contribution. Taking part in the Challenge will help to make modifications in our own daily routines for longer term change. The goal is to reach 5,000 INSEAD participants to the Food Challenge during October. Alumni in India, China, and Austria are already achieving a high participation rate.

We can choose to focus on the source of what we eat or choose to reduce food waste. We can also share useful tips and ideas from each other within the associated app.

More details about the challenge on bit.ly/CIC-SFH and the sign up on
bit.ly/CICEarly. The campaign runs from Oct 15 until Dec 12, 2020. Feel free to invite friends, work colleagues and family to participate.

Let’s give each other encouragement and see what our community can do to bring more sustainable food choices to our lives and to each other!

Kind regards,
Philippe Mauron, MBA’95J, President, INSEAD Alumni Association Switzerland