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Dear Alumni,

Register now to celebrate the holiday season in style at our Geneva Chapter Christmas Apéro!

Afterwork Christmas Apéro, L’Alambic
Thursday 7 December, 2023

We invite you to gather and celebrate the end of the year season over drinks and apéro (covered) at L’Alambic, a unique and intimist cocktail bar in Geneva that will be privatized for us.

Don’t miss this chance to reconnect with old friends and meet new alumni from the Geneva area, in a relaxed atmosphere. Significant others are welcome to join!

Key Facts
When: Thursday 7 December, 2023, 19:00
Where: L’Alambic, Rue des Alpes 7, Entrance by Sq. du Mont-Blanc, 1201 Genève
Tickets: CHF 30 NAA Members (paid-up) // CHF 45 Alumni non-members and guests
Ticketing closes on Dec 4th

Registration: https://infomaniak.events/shop/0iiyAcMuGz/ 
INSEAD Alumni Association Switzerland
Vincent Vanneau, MBA’18J Event Organizer
Dimitri Vaharis, MBA’17J, Geneva Chapter President