Healthcare Club

Aleks Ruzicic, MBA‘97J
Healthcare Club President
Aleks is a Partner at Executive Insight, a specialist healthcare consultancy that supports (bio)pharmaceutical companies to successfully prepare, launch and commercialize their products. A consultant with several decades of experience in healthcare and the life sciences, he is the author of numerous reports and articles on the industry. He began his career in 1994, when he joined McKinsey & Company, and since 2000 has focused exclusively on healthcare as a consultant with Elsevier MDL, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and IMS Consulting Group. Aleks has been involved in the Swiss alumni community since 2005 and is a co-founder and vice-president of the INSEAD Healthcare Alumni Network. He holds an MSc in Chemistry from the University of Zürich and an MBA from INSEAD.

Healthcare Chapter Committee Members:
Sami Abi Aad, MBA’13D
Zoe Billinghurst, MBA’02D
Nataliia Boiko, MBA’19J
Eric de La Fortelle, MBA’99D
Anna Erat, IDP-C’19Sep
Matthias Hess, EMBA’16Dec
Eva Jenisch, MBA’95J
Amel Ounnoughene, MAP’12Jun
Laurent Piveteau, MBA’01D
Kristie Vuong, MBA’18D