Zurich Chapter

Reto Gygax, MBA’13D
Zurich Chapter President

Reto is a partner of VIALEX Attorneys at Law with offices in Zürich, Berne and Lugano, a company he co-founded in 2015. His practice focuses mainly on domestic and international litigation, negotiation, transactions, risk management and legal advice in regulated industries. Prior to that, he worked for 10 years as an entrepreneur in international IT consulting and project management, focusing on strategy, software management, and event organization, in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Reto is Swiss and lives in Zürich with his wife and daughter.

Zurich Chapter Committee Members :
Simone Businaro, MBA’13J
Thomas de Roquancourt, MBA’15J
Fabrice d’Erm, YMP’04Sep
Dorothee Deuring, MBA’96D
Cyrille Ghorayeb, MBA’13D
Kay Noh, EMBA’04Dec
Esther Pfister-Sutter, MBA’09D
Andreas Pfrunder, MBA’22J
Pier Paolo Raimondi, MBA’97D
Rajiv Shetty, MBA’06D